About Us
Setauket Presbyterian Preschool
~ Est. 1968 ~
The best Setauket Preschool to Choose! Where children love to LEARN and GROW and PLAY and EXPLORE the world around them in an atmosphere of love and acceptance under the supervision and guidance of nurturing, supportive, New York State Certified teachers.
Optional Home Visits
Just prior to the start of classes in September, our teachers will make a “house call” to their incoming students (Voluntary). This a great way for the children to share a bit of time with their new teacher in a safe and comfortable setting…their own home.
Classroom Setting
Class limits are small. The classroom settings recognize individuality, promote independence, encourage freedom, and demonstrate respect for children.
SPP has recently implemented a comprehensive security plan and is committed to being a safe place for our youngest learners to learn, grow, play, and explore.
A Sense of Community
The classes take supervised field trips to local places of interest like the Post Office, Library, Farm, Beach, etc. to demonstrate that schooling (learning) is not merely preparation for life, but part of life.
Parental Participation
Parents and/or family members of preschoolers are welcome to assist the classes in creative ways throughout the school year.
They also have the opportunity to chaperone field trips and attend seasonal events.
Although we are a ministry of Setauket Presbyterian Church, our program is non-sectarian. Participants are accepted on a first come, first serve basis regardless of religion, race, color, creed, sex or national origin.
Parent-Teacher conferences are offered mid-way through the year and at the end of the year. You may, however, schedule a conference at any time during the year if you feel there is a need.
A Ministry of Setauket Presbyterian Church
Our Goals...
To accept each and every child.
To foster respect, rapport, and individual differences with each child.
To develop the physical, social, emotional, intellectual and aesthetic needs of each child, and help to determine each child’s level of development, or readiness in these areas.
To encourage and develop each child’s self esteem.
To give each child the media of appropriate materials to spark creativity and original thought.
To provide an environment for dramatic play and musical appreciation.
To emphasize experiences that will involve the child totally through sight, sound, taste, touch and smell.
To help children problem solve through daily experiences that relate directly to them.
To encourage each child to listen to others, and to empathize with them.
To encourage verbalization within the group concerning both positive and negative experiences, frustrations, or related incidents.
To establish a positive, and constructive parent-child-teacher relationship, a close rapport between home and school.
To set up a democratic system within the classroom, giving more responsibility as the group becomes more able to cope with the balance between responsibility and freedom.
To capitalize upon a young child’s natural curiosity about the world, and to convey to each child an attitude of excitement about learning.